The development of digital map technology today

Digital mapping is one of today's modern technological methods. It can apply outstanding features in many different fields. And how is it different from a map on paper? Let's find out useful information with IOTLink below! 

What is digital map (real estate)? 

The concept of real estate

A digital map is a version of a map created by computer software. Real estate is a collection of information systems in many elements. Such as objects, terrain, locations, coordinates, etc. and format to virtual screen.  

The above data will be stored and encrypted by devices such as computers, data storage devices, hard disks, map display devices, etc. 

Features of real estate

Every map has a fixed frame of reference. And the spatial information in the real estate will be calculated and shown in the reference system. 

The information in the real estate is complete and the level of accuracy is stable, meeting the standards of a normal map. 

The characters in the property are encrypted. Make it easy for users to visualize during use. 

Has more flexibility than conventional conventional maps. 

Nature of real estate

Advanced and modern real estate technology methods have gained flexibility, improving user experience better. 

Benefits of real estate compared to paper maps

Flexible technology map, easy to update information by synchronizing updated versions from the company server. While paper maps, when you want to update, you have to create a completely new version. From there, real estate can shorten the time to update information compared to paper maps. 

With the update of GPS technology Over the years, the use of real estate will improve "user consciousness". For example: favorite places, traffic situation, places to go, etc. 

Newly built roads or newly opened places will be updated on the property faster than a paper map. 

The amount of information on the property is displayed more than the normal map. 

Since real estate is more intuitive than traditional maps, it displays highly digital models. This is an advantage that paper maps and traditional maps cannot do. 

A digital map is a tool for analyzing location-based interdisciplinary relationships 

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Real estate application in practice 

Support management, planning and strategy making 

  • Urban infrastructure 
  • Traveling culture 
  • Resources & Environment 
  • Agriculture 
  • Passive telecommunications 
  • Cluster of industrial zones 

Efficient management and operation to improve productivity 

  • Logistics, Calling, Delivery 
  • Ecommerce 
  • Real estate 
  • Chain of stores 
  • Tourism 

Provide accurate information to make life more convenient 

  • Find a place 
  • Direct 
  • Weather information 

IOTLink Map4D 

IOTLink is one of the leading technology companies in Vietnam in developing successful digital transformation platforms and applications. 

IOTLink aims to build pure Vietnamese technology platforms, capable of integrating many platforms, applications, database autonomy with high security. 

IOTLink - Bản đồ số

IOTLink launched a modern, advanced and leading MAP4D technology solution today. Not just a 2D and 3D map platform, Map4D platform displays images in 4D time dimension. 4D in real estate helps the Government and investors assess the current status of a city, residential area, project, etc., thereby offering an appropriate planning plan in the future. 

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