Foundation of platforms


IOTLink là doanh nghiệp Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam với sứ mệnh mang đến sự tự chủ về nền tảng số cho người Việt, hướng đến sự phát triển bền vững, đồng hành cùng chương trình chuyển đổi số Quốc gia.

Map4D platform

Map4D platform is the first and only pure Vietnamese 2D, 3D, 4D digital map platform in Vietnam. In addition to providing digital map applications such as finding addresses, routes, predicting travel time... Map4D platform also allows linking with applications and software to provide effective management and development solutions. in the fields of: Logistics, Forwarding, Car Calling, Real Estate, Chain Stores, Tourism...



As a pioneering science and technology enterprise in the field of digital technology platform development, IOTLink has implemented more than 300 projects for the Government and Enterprises based on the application of Map4D digital map platform.​


MicrosoftTeams-image (2) 1

Map4D digital map is an update of the current state of 3D digital maps in time.


Smart bus management app


Employee management solution developed on Map4D digital map platform - displaying 3D images in real time.


Information System software for improvement
administration, transaction and management of land.

Certifications and Awards

Science and Technology Enterprise Certification
Certificate of Vietnam Bureau of Survey, Map and Geographic Information
Copyright certification Map4D digital map technology platform software
Dispatch on evaluation of Map4D application in the prevention of Covid-19 epidemic
Bộ TT&TT khen tặng IOTLINK Map4D có thành tích xuất sắc trong công tác phòng chống dịch COVID-19
Digital platform serving people 2022
Second prize Viet Solutions 2020
Top 3 excellent “Make in Vietnam” digital platforms in 2021
Top 1 Sản phẩm - Doanh nghiệp xuất sắc 2022
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Certifications & Awards
Second prize Viet Solutions 2020
Certifications & Awards
Top 3 excellent “Make in Vietnam” digital platforms in 2021
Certifications & Awards
Copyright certification Map4D digital map technology platform software
Certifications & Awards
Certificate of Vietnam Bureau of Survey, Map and Geographic Information
Certifications & Awards
Science and Technology Enterprise Certification
Certifications & Awards
Dispatch on evaluation of Map4D application in the prevention of Covid-19 epidemic
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Foundation of platforms
