Map4D delivery map – Accurate positioning, successful delivery

Delivery map is widely used in today's life. We often access applications to order online, to meet our needs quickly. Shopping and being transported to the right place on demand is really convenient. Contributing to creating a comfortable and developed life. Join IOTLink to learn the technologies and advantages that the delivery map brings! 

What is a delivery map? 

Delivery map is a type of map designed and integrated with advanced technologies to support the delivery of goods. 

This map shows information such as: location, route, route, etc. factors related to starting point and destination point. 

Currently, this type of map is widely applied in the field of logictics such as creating routes, locating locations, finding locations, tracking orders, ...   

Common problems when using the delivery map 

An ongoing reality, not just using the map to guide can be delivered accurately and quickly. The person who regularly undertakes the work of freight forwarding and logistics is the shipper. However, there are some problems that shippers often face when using the delivery map: 

Incorrect location locator 

Some of the maps that shippers use today do not locate the correct location. Especially addresses in small and deep alleys. This leads to running the wrong way and wasting time. 

Incomplete information 

Displaying information to get the carrier to the right place is essential. If the information is complete, the delivery will take place smoothly and quickly. If there is a lack of information such as displaying house numbers but not wards, displaying buildings but not displaying lots, zones, etc., it leads to a waste of time in searching, costs for phone calls to contact customers and costs. fuel costs. That could also come from an incomplete map implementation. Or due to lack of information provided by the customer. 

Real time is not accurate 

Some delivery maps show the wrong real time. It may be due to the wrong map implementation or not updating the traffic every time. Leads to the delivery staff not on time and the consignee too late. 

No map integration with menu management 

This affects both the sender and the receiver. The shipper does not know if the order to be delivered has been prepared or not, and has not yet received the goods. Or the consignee does not know how the order he ordered has been shipped. 

Integrated technologies on the Map4D . delivery map 

Map4D brings a digital map solution with useful features, meeting management needs, improving competitive advantage, and sustainable development for businesses. 

Map4D is integrated with 11 types API in order to serve the most accurate positioning, the shortest and fastest directions today. 

  • Route Direction: Used to indicate the smart way from the starting point to the destination. 
  • Route Estimated Time Of Arrival: Provides the ability to predict the travel time between 2 points on the route. 
  • Geocode: Search for a place by coordinates or convert coordinates to the place to be searched. 
  • Place Search: Search for addresses according to your needs. 
  • Place Detail: Displays detailed information of the place. 
  • Place Auto Suggest/Auto Complete: Intelligently suggest the places you need to search. 
  • Distance Matrix: Provides the fastest route (km) and travel time for distances with multiple destinations. 
  • Web 2D Maps: Displays 2D digital maps on the website. 
  • Mobie Native 2D Maps: Display 2D digital maps on smart mobile devices (iOs, Android). 
  • Web 3D Maps: Display 3D digital maps on the website. 
  • Mobie Native 3D Maps: Display 3D digital maps on smart mobile devices (iOs, Android). 
Map4D - Công cụ lập kế hoạch định tuyến hiệu quả trong bản đồ giao hàng
Map4D – An efficient route planning tool in the delivery map

Advantages of using maps on Map4D 

  • Accurately locate the user's location. 
  • Quickly find where you need to go. 
  • Show detailed information about the location to look for. 
  • Provides travel time and distance information. 
  • Guide to optimize traffic routes. 
  • Change the route as you like. 
  • Integrated order tracking feature. 
  • Avoid traffic jams, floods affecting orders. 
  • Save cost and time. 
  • 2D, 3D and 4D time-lapse images of objects on the map. 
  • Security of user information. 
Bản đồ giao hàng Map4D có lộ trình thông minh cho shipper luôn đúng giờ
Map4D delivery map has a smart route for the shipper to always be on time

Ahamove integrates API of Map4D  

Ahamove is a leading shipping company in Vietnam. Map4D digital map provides a set of high-tech APIs that have been integrated into the delivery map application by Ahamove. Show the exact location of the object to be determined. Help Ahamove's delivery platform become complete in features, increase business efficiency, solve problems that shippers often face today. 

Ahamove API


Experience ordering on the Ahamove app, you can track the status of your order through the app and zalo. From there know the exact starting point and destination. Confidentiality of information for both the shipper and the person ordering/receiving the goods. Increase order efficiency with the intelligent API integrated delivery map from Map4D. 

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