MAP4D – The perfect alternative to Google Maps API in Vietnam

Vietnam is on the list of countries and territories where Google restricts service provision. Vietnamese businesses have been using Google Maps API facing many difficulties in connection, engineering, problem response... Businesses that have not used the map api are struggling to know what is the best solution. Within the framework of this article, IOTLink want to clarify information IS GOOGLE MAP APP FREE and where is the BEST GOOGLE MAPS API ALTERNATIVE IN VIETNAM?

Use Google Map for free – misconception of the majority of users!

Businesses pay extremely high fees to use Google maps in business.

Users "pay" for personal data to use the map in everyday life.

Use pure Vietnamese digital maps to save costs and secure data!

In fact, Google already charges businesses and users. They changed the way they charge businesses that use the Google Maps API to get more profit. And users are enriching the database for Google. This is also the price users have to pay to use the service.

Digital maps are an almost mandatory requirement in sustainable development. Vietnam is only fully autonomous in terms of map data if and only if it owns its own digital map. Realizing the urgency of digital maps, IOTLink is determined to develop successfully Map4D platform with outstanding features.

Find the address quickly, give accurate directions

Smart search, display results quickly and accurately

  • Customize visual 2D or 3D display of information
  • Voice search and guidance
  • Real-time route information, traffic conditions
  • Integrated weather information
  • Build a route for each vehicle: car, motorbike, bicycle, walking...
  • Save locations for quick search, don't worry about forgetting
  • Suggest locations for restaurants, cafes, gas stations…

Map4D is widely applied in many fields: freight forwarding, car calling, logistics, e-commerce...

Map4D application has a friendly interface suitable for Vietnamese culture and habits. In terms of features, Map4D digital maps completely meet the needs of users and businesses. In terms of cost, Map4D platform helps businesses optimize to more than 50% compared to Google Maps API.

Price list of Google Maps and Map4D APIs

Using Map4D helps businesses optimize more than 50% costs

Set of APIs/SDKs for easy integration

  • Route Direction: Direct
  • Route Estimated time of Arrival: Predict travel time between 2 points
  • Place Geocoding: Find address by coordinates/convert coordinates to place
  • Place Auto Suggest/ Auto complete: Smart search suggestions
  • Place Search: Address search
  • Distance Matrix: Provides distance and travel time for multiple points
  • Place Details: Address details
  • Mobile Native 2D Maps: 2D digital map on phone (IOS, Android)
  • Web 2D Maps: 2D digital map on the web
  • Mobile Native 3D Maps: 3D digital map on phone (IOS, Android)
  • Web 3D Maps: 3D digital map on the web

 11 highly applicable map APIs

Map4D owns a massive data warehouse covering 63 provinces and cities that is constantly updated.

Using Google Maps API has many potential dangers

Users enrich the database for Google and then Google takes that data to do business in Vietnam. This way, Google doesn't need to spend manpower to collect data. As a voluntary contributor. This action of the user, even though it is not intentional, has caused a data risk. Information about geography, demographics, traffic, boundaries... is in the hands of foreigners. Bad guys can use the database for many nefarious purposes.

From a commercial perspective, users are buying goods at high prices. Vietnamese businesses have to pay high fees to use Google Maps API. Then, businesses add this cost to the selling price of goods. Since then, the selling price of products and services also increases. Although not directly paying the fee, Vietnamese users are simultaneously enriching the database and indirectly paying the cost of using maps for Google.

Map4D is a good alternative to Google Maps

Why don't Vietnamese people choose a digital map platform of Vietnamese people, for Vietnamese people? With what we contribute, we will get value in return.

Map4D – The perfect alternative to Google Maps API in Vietnam

Map4D is the first and only pure Vietnamese 2D, 3D, 4D digital map platform in Vietnam. This is a digital platform developed by technology experts of IOTLink. This project marks a milestone in the development of Vietnamese technology.

Accurate 2D road and point data. Intuitive, vivid 3D images. Time-dimensional 4D technology. All available on Map4D. In addition, the Map4D application also has satellite maps, plot maps, etc. The 4D feature helps users see the change of the project or area over time.

With Map4D, users use the map completely free. Contributing user data is stored in the cloud with absolute security. The database on Map4D belongs to Vietnamese people. Enterprises using Map4D map API save more than 50% costs compared to Google Map.

Link, share data cross-platform and actively develop new applications on demand

Map4D platform includes many separate information layers, unlimited number of layers. With each class can develop many different applications according to specific needs. In addition to a service package with a full database, Map4D also provides a map platform for businesses to update data themselves.

Map4D digital map platform allows unlimited integration and connectivity with many platforms and software... Modern technologies such as AI, VR360, Machine Learning, GIS are also easily integrated into Map4D for management, long-term development.

4D technology on the only map in Vietnam

Creativity and difference made Map4D make an impression with users from the very first days of its publication. Up to now, Map4D platform has received many prestigious awards and affirmed its role in national digital transformation as well as supporting businesses to develop sustainably.

Map4D platform is compatible with WGS84, VN2000, HN72 coordinate axes to ensure full information and flexible database conversion without worrying about errors. At the same time, the successful association with the LGSP integrated axis allows Map4D to connect and share country data on many different platforms.

Vietnamese people can be proud of a Vietnamese digital map platform. Map4D is doing a story about protecting national sovereignty in cyberspace.

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But Map4D needs more improvement!


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