Digital map “Make in Vietnam” – A platform to accelerate digital transformation

Multi-sector, multi-field data connection solution

Digital maps can help link multidisciplinary data layers, building synchronous strategies. This creates an overall picture of the data running at different application layers.

Using the digital map “Make in Vietnam”. The behavior and data of Vietnamese people will be kept safe. Besides, the product has the ability to integrate many other technologies. Such as: big data analysis, virtual reality technology. Help businesses innovate and drive digital transformation.

From November 2020, the Ministry of Information and Communications held the Launching Ceremony of Map4D Digital Mapping Platform. Officially becoming the 32nd platform in the series of Make in Vietnam digital platforms.

Mr. Vu Minh Tri, Vice Chairman of IOTLink company said. “Besides the function is a regular digital map. Map4D GIS Platform is also a platform that can integrate many layers of GIS data and other types of data. Support for management solutions for urban infrastructure planning, natural resources and environment, transportation, agriculture, tourism...

Map4D digital map has the ability to display and interact with 3D objects. And represent the 4D time dimension. Thereby, allowing users to assess the change in the status quo in the past, present and future of 3D objects on the map. And ready to integrate advanced technologies. Like artificial intelligence (AI) or virtual reality technology (VR), IoT, Machine Learning…

Pure Vietnamese platform, ensuring safety and security

Possessing outstanding advantages such as: ensuring sovereignty, availability, accuracy, initiative, integration and scalability. Map4D Platform can be applied in many fields such as e-commerce, tourism, construction, natural resources and environment, urban, agriculture, transportation. Providing a digital platform for digital transformation, building smart cities and logistics services to optimize planning activities. Management of state agencies and business development of Vietnamese enterprises.

“Digital maps are the foundation of the platform for digital transformation. With the goal of making Map4D become the largest digital map platform in Vietnam. We hope to solve the problem of information security, national security, everything Vietnam needs to be located in Vietnam and the Vietnamese people." Mr. Vu Minh Tri shared.

According to Mr. Tri. “If we push all the databases onto the host map overseas. We will lose all initiative with our own data. Every year, Vietnamese businesses are spending trillions of dong to foreign countries. Only for the problem of building services based on map applications. Typically, some businesses will have to pay Google a large amount of money. About 50 million USD to integrate the Google Maps service API. According to statistical information of the Department of Informatization, Ministry of Information and Communications.

IOTLink Map4D

The birth of Map4D is a clear demonstration of the creative capacity of Vietnamese digital technology enterprises in general and IOTLink in particular. This is one of the Make in Vietnam digital platforms approved by the Ministry of Information and Communications. Choosing to introduce and sponsor the media to promote comprehensive and widespread digital transformation in all economic and social fields, making an important contribution to achieving the goals of the National Digital Transformation program.

Product Map4D Platform of IOTLink just won the bronze award "Best Digital Platform 2021". Taking place at the National Forum for Digital Enterprise Development.


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