At 15:00 on May 23, 2023, a cooperation signing ceremony took place between IOTLink Company and Viettel Business Solutions Corporation (VTS). The signing ceremony of a comprehensive cooperation between IOTLink and Viettel has agreed to open up many new specific projects, put into practical effect.


Đầu buổi lễ ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác
At the beginning of the cooperation agreement signing ceremony


Toàn cảnh lễ ký kết giữa Công ty IOTLink và TCT Giải pháp Doanh nghiệp Viettel (VTS)
Overview of the signing ceremony between IOTLink Company and Viettel Business Solutions Corporation (VTS)


Lễ ký kết hợp tác giữa Công ty IOTLink và TCT Giải pháp Doanh nghiệp Viettel
Cooperation signing ceremony between IOTLink Company and Viettel Business Solutions Corporation


Lễ ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác giữa Công ty IOTLink và TCT Giải pháp Doanh nghiệp Viettel
Signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between IOTLink Company and Viettel Business Solutions Corporation

Attending the agreement signing ceremony, on the IOTLink side, there were the participation of: 

  • Mr. Do Quang Vinh - Chairman of the Board of Members cum General Director of IOTLink company. 
  • Mr. Bui Duc Hau - Deputy General Director of IOTLink Company, General Director of IOTLink Technology Solutions Co., Ltd. 
  • Mr. Nguyen Chi Ba Huy - Deputy Director of Southern Business Sales.
  • Mr. Dang Tran Vinh Thinh, Head of Southern Sales Department. 

On the side of the Board of Directors of Viettel Business Solutions Company, there were the participation of: 

  • Mr. Doan Dai Phong, Deputy General Director of Viettel Enterprise Solutions Corporation. 
  • Mr. Nguyen Huu Tuan, Deputy Director of Southern Solution Center - Viettel Enterprise Solutions Corporation. 
  • Mr. Trinh Dao Son, Head of Sales Support Department - Southern Solution Center. 
  • Mr. Nguyen Duc Huy, Head of Solution Department - Southern Solution Center. 

With the remote participation of 3 Viettel representatives from Quang Binh, Tra Vinh and Dong Thap provinces. 

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Unify close cooperation to serve the future digital transformation 

Mr. Doan Dai Phong - Deputy General Director of Viettel Enterprise Solutions Corporation shared:

"How to take advantage of the strengths of both sides. Because in business there must be a two-way cooperation…
Hopefully in the future there will be more synchronous coordination between the two parties, information sharing between the two sides... technical forces between the two sides to discuss more deeply.
Define cooperation model, product portfolio and customer portfolio. I hope that the cooperation of the two sides will be effective and practical.

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Mr. Do Quang Vinh - Chairman of the Board of Members and General Director of IOTLink also shared:

"IOTLink strongly agrees with Viettel's sharing. We will cooperate closely in the near future.
And we are committed to developing, making the best quality products. For IOTLink and Viettel to bring products to the market with the best value, serving in the national digital transformation

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The signing ceremony opened many new, practical and highly effective projects 

The signing ceremony of a comprehensive cooperation between IOTLink and Viettel has agreed to each other, opening many new projects, putting into practical effect. 

During the ceremony, both sides spoke and shared about issues, ideas and many new projects. The strong cooperation between the two sides will open up many new development opportunities. Successfully serving the national digital transformation. 

Ông Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn, Phó Giám đốc Trung tâm Giải pháp Miền Nam - Tổng Công ty Giải pháp Doanh nghiệp Viettel đọc văn bản tóm tắt nội dung chính của TTHT giữa IOTLink và VTS
Mr. Nguyen Huu Tuan, Deputy Director of Southern Solution Center - Viettel Enterprise Solutions Corporation read a summary of the main content of the communication between IOTLink and VTS.


Khoảng khắc ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác giữa Công ty IOTLink và TCT Giải pháp Doanh nghiệp Viettel (VTS)
The moment of signing the cooperation agreement between IOTLink Company and Viettel Business Solutions Corporation (VTS)


Lễ ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác giữa Công ty IOTLink và TCT Giải pháp Doanh nghiệp Viettel (VTS)
Signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between IOTLink Company and Viettel Business Solutions Corporation (VTS)


Khoảng khắc trao tặng hoa giữa Công ty IOTLink và TCT Giải pháp Doanh nghiệp Viettel (VTS)
The moment of giving flowers between IOTLink Company and Viettel Business Solutions Corporation (VTS)

Congratulations on the successful signing ceremony!!! 

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