Solution for industrial park management on Map4D

Effective management of industrial zones and clusters of industrial zones is one of the problems in the development of the country. Planning and management need synchronization while in reality there are many shortcomings. Solutions from Map4D help manage cluster infrastructure, smart industrial parks accompanying the Government in the digital transformation.

>>> See more 11 Basic APIS of MAP4D are highly applicable

Map shared, public information

Map4D provides a full suite of technical infrastructure management and information disclosure solutions. This not only improves management, but also quickly and accurately shares information between departments, agencies and organizations.

Quản lý hiệu quả khu công nghiệp
Efficient management of industrial parks

Technical infrastructure management software

  • Asset management based on 2D and 3D maps
  • Asset management based on information, property properties. And dynamic measurement data due to measuring points Scada, Censor poured into the system
  • Work management, property maintenance
  • Manage notifications, incidents
  • Dynamic configuration of data classes, data fields

Slide of technical infrastructure management process

  • Update information about periodic maintenance of assets
  • Update the unit responsible for the maintenance of the property
  • When it is time to maintain the property, the system sends a notification to the manager and person in charge requesting to open the maintenance job for the property.
  • Import property information
  • Update information on relevant censor measurement points
  • Update information about censor measurement limits in the safe operating zone of the property
  • When the return value exceeds the safe zone, the system sends an alert to the manager and the person in charge of the property.

Industrial information management software

  • General information from inter-connected technical infrastructure software to information management software
  • Documents, images and information related to management objects in the IP cluster are aggregated and managed on information management software.
  • Allows configuring catalogs to advertise information about IPs and investors
  • Reporting module, sending report requests to enterprises in the IP, allowing to configure report templates on the system. Sending and receiving reports takes place entirely on the system
  • Warnings about fire safety, environment, schedule of power outages, request for payment of expenses are posted to management on information management software. Management can proactively configure alerts and their content based on actual work

Software to publicize industrial park information

  • Connecting with technical infrastructure software and information management software, managers select appropriate information for publicizing information about IPs.
  • Investors can easily access the information of the IP through the published catalog data and the zoning planning map, the detailed planning as well as the current status of the industrial park presented in 2D, 3D format.
  • Easy to use as a map platform to assist in finding the way, referencing utilities around the IP cluster such as hospitals, schools, ...

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