Passive telecommunications infrastructure management

Infrastructure management – Passive telecommunications on Map4D Platform

If looking for customers, offering projects is paramount to the survival of a real estate business. The after-sales stage plays the role of creating prestige and trust for customers. In the long run, after-sales is the main factor in retaining and expanding potential customers. Once they have created trust and a foothold in the hearts of users, businesses will reap success in each sale.

After-sales for projects is good management of infrastructure in terms of electricity, water, trees, internal public works...

In order to manage all infrastructure groups well, investors need to have an effective plan on the criteria of concentration, speed, and savings.

Map4D is a digital puzzle platform that develops features and applications of Infrastructure Management - Passive Telecommunication, providing optimal management solutions for infrastructure groups:

  • Green park group
  • Electrical infrastructure: electrical diagrams, equipment...
  • Water supply and drainage system
  • Information about buildings: location, area, structure…
  • Transportation system in the area

Map4D Platform – High-tech digital map solution

More than just providing raw information, 3D models of objects. Map4D Platform also easy to integrate smart technology: VR360, smart camera, IoT… Connecting things with sensor technology. The connection is effective in detecting mistakes and quickly handling problems. It also allows to store repair information and track warranty and maintenance history.

Turning the motto "customer is king" is no longer on paper. In fact, customers have the right to choose, make decisions and serve them in the best way. Then certainly "good news spread far away". At this time, the brand story of the business is spreading quickly, spreading far and very easily with future projects.

  • Display 2D, 3D basemap, coverage area, low-lying area.
  • Manage (add new, edit, delete, update) the infrastructure of passive telecommunications stations on the map.
  • User authorization.
  • Statistics and reports of passive telecommunication stations according to demand.

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