On the morning of April 28, 2023 in Go Cong town, Tien Giang province held a ceremony to launch the digital transformation project "Digitalization of documents, artifacts, information of historical sites and tourist attractions of Tien Giang province". Giang” in 2023 through the system of management and promotion of tourism and historical sites in Tien Giang province (pilot in Go Cong town) on the digital map platform M.AP4D.
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ToggleLaunching ceremony of the project "Digitalization of documents, artifacts and information of historical sites and tourist attractions in Tien Giang province" in 2023
The ceremony is a cooperation between the cooperation agreement between Standing Committee of Tien Giang Provincial Youth Union and IOTLink Technology Solutions Company (a member of IOTLink Co., Ltd.). With the participation of Mr. Nguyen Quang Minh - Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union of Tien Giang province, Mr. Do Quang Vinh - Chairman of the Board of Directors of IOTLink Company. And Mr. Bui Duc Hau - General Director of IOTLink Technology Solutions Co., Ltd. Along with more than 100 delegates and guests attended.

Strategic cooperation objectives Tien Giang Provincial Youth Union and IOTLink Technology Solutions Co., Ltd
The image of both sides simultaneously pressing the button shows the consensus of cooperation. With the desire to maximize the strengths of the two sides, contributing to the benefit of society.
- Tien Giang Provincial Youth Union and IOTLink Technology Solutions Co., Ltd cooperate with the desire to maximize the strengths of the two sides. Contributing to benefit society.
- Construction of a system for management and promotion of tourism and historical sites in Tien Giang province (pilot in Go Cong town) through Map4D digital map platform.
- Promote images and information about historical sites and tourist attractions of Tien Giang in general and Go Cong town in particular.
- Towards implementing comprehensive digital transformation in all aspects of activities of the Provincial Youth Union and its affiliated units.
- Organize activities of the Youth Union and youth movement to ensure practicality and efficiency.
- Bringing domestic and foreign tourists a good experience through digitizing data of historical sites and tourist sites in Go Cong town.

Pedals develop strongly between Tien Giang Provincial Youth Union and IOTLink
During the ceremony, both sides had speeches and shared about data digitization products. As well as strong cohesion cooperation. Everyone at the ceremony had practical experiences with the product of digitalization of tourist attractions in Tien Giang province: http://gocong.triplink.vn/

The signing ceremony is also a big step forward between Tien Giang Provincial Youth Union and IOT .Link. As a springboard for development with new projects that are about to be deployed on the Map4D platform.
Congratulations on the successful signing ceremony!